Trump and Musk's X Space: A Conversation on Immigration, AI, and Global Challenges—But No Mention of Bitcoin

In a much-anticipated conversation that took the digital stage by storm, former President Donald Trump and tech billionaire Elon Musk engaged in a wide-ranging interview on X Space, Musk's rebranded Twitter platform. The two-hour discussion, which drew in over a million listeners, delved into pressing global issues such as illegal immigration, the economy, artificial intelligence, and global warming. 

However, amid the dynamic exchange of ideas, one notable topic was conspicuously absent: Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. 

The interview kicked off with a delay of more than 45 minutes due to what Musk described as a "massive [distributed denial of service] attack on X," leaving eager listeners waiting in suspense. Once the technical issues were resolved, the conversation flowed seamlessly from one hot-button topic to another. 

On illegal immigration, Trump shared his views on border security and the challenges the U.S. faces in maintaining its sovereignty. Musk, ever the futurist, shifted the conversation toward artificial intelligence, discussing both its potential and its risks. The duo also touched on the state of the global economy, with Trump weighing in on America's fiscal policies and Musk offering his insights on technological innovation as a driver of economic growth.

Global warming, another critical issue, was also on the agenda, with Musk and Trump offering differing perspectives on how to tackle this pressing challenge.

Despite the breadth of topics covered, the omission of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market was striking, especially given Musk's well-documented interest in the digital currency space. His tweets have historically influenced the market, yet this conversation bypassed the topic entirely.

As the interview came to a close, listeners were left with much to ponder about the future of immigration policies, AI advancements, and the global climate crisis. But for those tuned in for insights on Bitcoin or crypto, the silence spoke volumes.